Modular Direct Fired Heater


The Direct Gas Fired Make-Up Air package is designed to deliver tempered make-up air for installations requiring frequent air changes. Units are designed for natural and propane gas applications, with a max BTUH rate of 2,500,000, and are for indoor or outdoor installation.

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  • Air Volume: 1,000 – 21,000 cfm
  • Maximum SP: 4" wg. @ standard air density
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  1. G90 galvanized construction
  2. Easy access doors
  3. Lifting points
  4. Pre-wired, pre-piped controls
  5. Horizontal or down discharge
  6. Vibration isolation
  7. High efficiency motors
  8. Adjustable drive sheaves
  9. Fully insulated casing
  10. Stainless steel burner
  11. 120 volt control transformer with single point electrical connection
  12. Redundant gas valves
  13. Intermittent spark pilot with timed safety lockout
  14. Electronic flame modulation
  15. High temperature limit switch
  16. Airflow proving switch
  17. Economizer inlet thermostat
  18. Motor starter
  19. Disconnect switch
  20. Burner observation port





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